Sunday, January 20, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

I guess that probably isn't the best attitude to have on Sunday night, is it? It has just been a day and a half. I am not particularly looking forward to this week. Cameron has tomorrow off, but I still have to go to work--grr. It is going to be a long day. I know, I know--I should be more positive, but it's just not going to happen right now.

I don't actually have much to say tonight. It has been such a crummy day that I just need to vent for a second. Cam got called by work today right before church, so I had to take all three boys to church by myself. They were AWFUL. I pretty much just gave up after sacrament meeting. But, things then went from bad to worse--the boys didn't take naps, Cameron was still trying to work, I mixed up cookies BEFORE I realized the recipe made ELEVEN DOZEN cookies. So, yeah, I was making cookies with the boys all afternoon, which was nice, except they leave after the fun mixing part, and I have to do the boring oven part (not that I really want their help with that part anyway.) They were just so hyper and rotten all evening, mostly due to no naps, I am sure. I am just ready for a vacation. Is it summer yet? Or even Friday?

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