Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It has been a day already. Krista left this morning. Then I had to get myself and the boys ready and out the door before 7 a.m. I then dropped Levi off at his sitter's, then dropped the big boys at their sitter, then had to race to work. I ended up only being about 5 minutes late, which is about normal for me anyway, but is going to be a hard month. I am currently sitting in school and although this website is generally blocked, for some reason it is letting me on today, so I am taking advantage of it. Anyway, I am totally falling asleep here during my plan time. I am so tired. Trying to take care of the kids, the house, not fall horribly behind at work (too late!), and pack up our house so we can move is starting to really wear me down. I am exhausted! If I had one wish right now, I would be very torn between wishing it were all over with, and just wishing for a couple hours to take a nap. Augh!

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